Marché de Noël à Prilly du 3 au 7 décembre 2024

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18 avril 2020 - The Mattherhorn expressing our solidarity


As one of the most populated countries in the world, India is suffering from the Corona crisis. The challenge in such a large country are immense...

79y old from the pastor Pappy Daniel (2)

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  Time is flying and despite the confinement, the staff of the children's home made a point of preparing the birthday

cake to celebrate the 79...

indian greetings

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AG 27.03.2020 - canceled


                    To follow the news on the  COVID-19, and for respect the recommendation of...

Coronavirus - 15.03.2020

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Here is some news from the Pastor Pappy Daniel about the global epidemic that persists in India :

Everyone is well at the moment, however, the...

New set of dress (march 2020)


Thanks to our generous donors, a new set of clothes has been made for children. You will be able to notice for the girls clothes, the different...

Annual Assembly 2020 (2)

AG MDE 2020 mail



Friday 27th March 2020 will be held our Annual Assembly at la Maison du Grand-Pré, Rte de St-Légier 6,


Photos of the concert "AGORA" on Sunday 2nd February 2020 at 17h30 à l'Eglise du Prieuré à Pully (7)

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The Prieuré Church in Pully vibrated on Sunday 2nd February during the concert of the AGORA ensemble which we warmly thank for the magnificent...